Aberdeenshire East Liberal Democrats
Annual General Meeting
Friday 2 December 2022
Hosted by Kerry Buist, AE Campaigns Officer
At Hamewith, Kirkbrae, Oldmeldrum AB51 0DJ
Present: Colin Gale, Diane Adam, Sam Adam, Lorna Stirling, Cllr Marion Ewenson, , Cllr Trevor Mason, Kerry Buist, Alistair Massey, Alison Auld
Apologies: Sheila Ritchie, Margaret Green, Bill Dow, Conrad Wood, Dorothy Bulloch, Cllr Andrew Hassan
As Convenor, Colin Gale took the chair and welcomed those present to the meeting.
2.Minutes of AGM 10 December 2021: It was noted that the North East Committee had not met in the past year. Minutes proposed by Kerry Buist and seconded by Trevor Mason .
3.Convenor’s Report: Colin’s report had previously been circulated and copies are available on request. Colin that the campaign committee, formed from other parties in the Shire, had met regularly before the Council elections in the spring resulting in 14 councillors elected. A good presence was made at the summer shows. Although the Huntly coffee morning was not held this year due to organisational issues the hall is booked for 18 February 2023. Thanks were expressed to Marion for undertaking the required food hygiene certificate.
Following the due process, Conrad Wood has been put forward to members as the Gordon candidate in the 2024 Westminster election. The result of the members’ ballot will be known by 15 December 2022.
Colin expressed his thanks for the support received from fellow members during the past year.
4. Treasurer’s report by Diane Adam:
“I presented the Statement of Accounts 2021, together with my financial report, to the Executive on 4th Feb 2022, for their approval before passing them over to Willie Sinclair, the Independent Examiner, to sign off.
The accounts were then sent to HQ to meet the deadline of 15th March 2022
The year ended with a deficit of £7076, the first deficit since 2016.
During the C19 close-down all major fund-raising events were cancelled.
Hence reducing income and donations usually received at these events.
AE also made generous donations to the candidates for the Scottish Parliamentary Elections and the 2 by-elections.
I am happy to supply a copy of these accounts to anyone who wishes, by email.
2022 finances have been affected by another year of limited fundraising events. AE made donations to council candidates (5 plus 2 shared) for the Scottish Council Elections. More going out than coming in.
I must thank Colin for his work as Convenor and for all the duties he has taken on, outside and beyond his role of convenor. To name a few; carrying out checks in the office to comply with insurance regulations, being available for deliveries and collections, giving access to those to carry out the annual checks on Fire Extinguishers, PAT and Legionella tests etc. Dealing and distributing the RMFP returns, shared by 6 different parties.
I would also like to thank the Exec members for their support during the past year.”
Diane’s report available on request.
Margaret Green was nominated to take on the role of administrator/treasurer for the 50-50 Club. The necessary forms were completed ready to post to the bank.
5.Membership: Lorna Stirling advised that there are currently 67 members in AE and 13 supporters. During the year 2 mailing have gone to all members. The August one a reminder of the September coffee morning in the office, this included raffle tickets. The November a mailing regarding a proposed candidate for Gordon included one encouraging members to sign up family and friends. Earlier in the year letters and forms were sent to 15 lapsed members.
6. Council report: Cllr Marion Ewenson presented a report from the Aberdeenshire Council Liberal Democrat Group. She outlined the responsibilities of the 14 strong group as part of the Administration of Aberdeenshire Council following the local government election in May of this year. Included in the report were the agreed priorities of the Council and details of the current challenges faced with regards to budget constraints.
Marion’s report was later circulated by email.
7.Election of Office Bearers:
Position Nominee Proposer Seconder
Convenor Colin Gale Diane Adam Lorna Stirling
Secretary Lorna Stirling Alison Auld Diane Adam
Minute Secretary Alison Auld Colin Gale Trevor Mason
Membership Secretary Sheila Ritchie Alison Auld Lorna Stirling
Treasurer Diane Adam Colin Gale Alison Auld
Data Officer Trevor Mason Colin Gale Alison Auld
Campaigns Office Kerry Buist Sheila Ritchie Colin Gale
Policy Officer Marion Ewenson Colin Gale Alison Auld
Committee Members George Ross Colin Gale Lorna Stirling
Margaret Green Lorna Stirling Diane Adam
Alistair Massey Lorna Stirling Colin Gale
Honorary President Christina Simpson-Ross Colin Gale Diane Adam
Representatives for the North Cttee
Marion Ewenson Colin Gale Lorna Stirling
Colin Gale Lorna Stirling Trevor Mason
As there were no objections, Office Bearers and Committee Members were elected accordingly.
8.AOCB: Kerry Buist advised of the requirement that photo identification be shown in Scotland at the next general election and changes to postal and proxy voting regulations.
Alistair Massey warned those present to be wary of online and telephone scams which might result in identity stealing.
Colin thanked Kerry for her hospitality and wished everyone Happy Christmas and New Year.